Tag: Psychology

I'm Richard Lloyd Jones and welcome to another episode of Thinking with Somebody Else's Head. Read the literature about complex problem solving and you're in for a challenging read. System structure and dynamics, facets of intelligence, positive and negative dependencies. It's mind-numbing stuff that seeks to concretize often abstract what if scenarios so popular in
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Welcome to Thinking with Somebody Else's Head. Carl Gustav Jung proposed that everything that irritates us about others can lead us to understand ourselves. For him, others were a giant mirror into our own psyches. The great German writer, Hermann Hesse, suggested that disliking something in another is disliking something that we have, too. Freud,
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I'm Richard Lloyd Jones, and this is Thinking with Somebody Else's Head. It was part of the psychic apparatus defined in Freud's Structural Model of the Psyche. Its role was to mediate between the desires of our uncoordinated instinctual tendencies - the ID - and our critical moralizing part called the Super-Ego. For Freud, our
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“Our earth is degenerate in these latter days. Bribery and corruption are common and there are signs the world is speedily coming to an end.” The latest doomsday prognostication from the Mayans? Not exactly. A statement allegedly lifted from an Assyrian tablet dated 2800 B.C. It’s clear mankind has been on the wrong path for

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