Tag: Trilogical companies

Line up all the economists in the world, it is said, and they'll all point in different directions. And while it's true that economists do view society through the particular lens of their political or sociological ideology, there are some general economics principles that seem widely held in the field. One is that you can
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We've been bombarded with images and catch phrases heralding a new era for a number of decades now. From marketed scientific publications like the Aquarian Conspiracy to the blue environmentally pagan humanoids of Avatar to the end of the world apocalypse that Hollywood envisioned as the running out of the Mayan calendar, we've been up
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This week on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, we'll take off the rose-colored glasses to look at what we need to do to create the just society everybody in the 99% says they want. A small hint: there'll be some internal soul-searching required. But along the way, a very optimistic view of business and working
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"Get a job!" was a common insult hurled at the hippies back when I was a kid. I remember a few of them homesteading in the woods off the dirt road to my favourite swimming hole on Vancouver Island. I remember the homegrown vegetable gardens and the hastily assembled log cabins and the pungent odour
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