Tag: Sociopathology

If we open a discussion about civilization, we open ourselves to the possibility of particularly dull and wooden exclamations about the renunciation of instinct or the enshrinement of rights. There's been the tendency to equate the progress of civilization with technological advance, but surely we see the incompleteness of this view in our polluted and
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It is extremely important to perceive that the established powers have been organized to control the will of the people, paralyzing their capacity to act. In fact, there is ample evidence that the socio-economic power in charge today holds back the development of humankind. But most critics (and there are many, including many excellent ones)

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How many times have we seen it? You're best friends with someone at work when suddenly they get promoted. After this move upstairs, they don't want to know you. They become aloof and unapproachable - almost like they've become somebody else. What's actually happening is that the new power has liberated the pathology that always
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